Name                         :  Siswantiaji
Sex                             :  Male
Place, date of birth   :  Banyumas, 16 December 1985
Marital status            :  Single
Religion                     :  Islam
Nationality                 :  Indonesia
Height/ Weight         :  160 cm/ 50kg
Address                     :  Karang Salam  RT 04 RW 04 kec. Ajebuh
                                       Kab. Banyumas – Jawa Tengah 53163
E-mail                        :
Mobile phone           :  085227133344

Educational Background

a.   Formal Education
1992 – 1998                                      SD N 2 Jingkang
1998 – 2001                                      SLTP N 1 Ajibarang
2001 – 2004                                      SMA N Ajibarang
2004 – 2007                                      English Diploma 3 Program, University of Jenderal Soedirman
b.   Informal Education
2001                                                   Took a computer course at LPK ABY Comp.
2006                                                   Took tourism lecture package at University of Jenderal Soedirman


1.    English skill both spoken and written, certified with GPA 3.60 and TOEFL Prediction Test score 507.
2.    Computer literate (MS. Office, MS. Excel, MS. Power Point, Internet)

Working Experiences

1.    Student Training Experience
On the job training at FATMABA Tourism Park and Hotel, Ajibarang
Period               :  7 – 22 February 2007
Purpose            :  To fulfill the final assignment of university
Position            :  Front Officer at FATMABA Hotel
Job description   :     - Receive in and outgoing phone calls
- Book for room reservations
- Customer Service assistant
2.    Working at PT IMF, Purwokerto
Period               :  October – December 2007
Position            :  Account Executive
Job description   :     - Telemarketing
- Making appointments with customers
- Delivering presentation
- Watching international stock-market fluctuation
- Suggesting trading-actions to  the customers
3.    Working at SMP PGRI 2 Ajibarang
Period               :  February 2008 – now
Position            :  Teacher
Job description   :     - Delivering materials according to the syllabus
- Managing the class situation
- Giving individual scores through tests and examinations
- Giving attention to the students progression


Interpersonal Literature 

ü  Self-starter and hard worker
ü  Able to work individually as well as in team
ü  Willing to learn new experiences
ü  Fast learner ability

Prepared by,


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